Does the Thought of Speed Dating Fill You with Anxiety, Panic, Confusion?

New Tips to Prepare You for Fun and Enjoyment Instead

speed dating coupleI’m creating a Speed Dating event (not your run of the mill Speed Dating event, mind you), with my friend, Cassie, of Cassie’s Calendar and the key organizer of the Single and Looking in NJ meet up group and I have been thinking about the feedback I’ve been getting from friends and clients about the viability of such events.

In my heart of hearts, I believe in the power of speed dating events. We are all active professionals, busy with our kick-a$$ careers and our families, sometimes with Continue reading

Positive Mindset Pt. 4: Turn that Frown Upside Down

Or, Polly Anna has just left the building.

In their book, How We Choose to Be Happy, Rick Foster and Greg Hicks point out that truly happy people deal with their sorrows by choosing to feel their feelings and somehow finding meaning in the situation. In essence, we can use our circumstances Continue reading

Positive Mindset Pt. 3: The False Allure of Relentless Positivity

 Or, avoid becoming a Stepford Wife

In this post, I want to re-emphasize how important it is to “look on the bright side of life” while at the same time diverging from the popular “adopt a positive attitude” approach that has permeated today’s zeitgeist. As someone who practices Coaching for Transformation, I want to focus on alchemical change – which means that to get to the good stuff, we move through the crappy stuff so you can be FREE. The only way out is through. Continue reading

Develop a Positive Mindset Pt. 2 – the influence of negativity

Negativity Is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

People with a pessimistic or negative worldview take a victim stance, seeing life as a continuous succession of problems and a process of unfairness and oppression. They can’t move forward, don’t expect a lot and don’t get much. When things go wrong, they shrug their shoulders and passively accept that this is the way life is and there isn’t anything they can do to make it better. Does any of that sound familiar to you? This is the land of “victim-hood”. Continue reading

Developing an Authentic Positive Mindset

Or, No One Wants to Date a Whiner

I’ve noticed something lately. In my webinars, I often talk about being responsible for one’s outcomes – being the Architect of one’s life – and not being the Victim, someone who consistently focuses on what other people are doing or outside events and then blames them for his or her woes. The key to empowerment is to own your sh*t. Continue reading

Ask The Coach pt 3: What to do if you really really want to be approachable…

 But you can’t help but put walls up?

I had a client, I’ll dub Mary out of respect for privacy, reach out to me to ask that question. “I want to be in a relationship, but every time a guy talks to me, no matter what he says, I get defensive.”

After coaching her for a while, it became apparent that she had trouble trusting, and was Continue reading